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     The scenery “…includes set construction, scenic painting, theater drapes and stage curtains, and special effects,” (Theatre Production Backstage Life). The scenery for each show is different and is depends on how complicated the set designer makes the set of the show look.  Like when it comes to set pieces in most theatre's “modular scenic components are used that can be assembled in a virtually unlimited number of ways. Due to budgetary constraints, some of these components can be re-used for many different productions…” (Richardson). Many different parts of a set might include the use of flats, platforms and stairs, along with “… set structures such as trees, pillars, water wells, etc…” (Richardson).



One of the things that most people don’t’ look at or think of when they see a set in the scene painting, which is one of the most important things because “…choosing colors that will look good under the stage lighting and understanding how to properly apply the paint…are all important…” (Richardson). Another element to the set is the cyc or cyclorama where “Special lights are usually aimed at the cyclorama to provide a variety of colorful backgrounds…” (Richardson). Along with the cyc, there are another drapes on stage that are known as legs, a valance, borders, and traveler (Richardson).

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