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Sound Design 

    One of the main purposes of Sound Design is “…to amplify the voices of actors on stage, most notably for a musical, but also for some straight plays in large venues,” (Holloway). The parts of a sound system are complex for someone to learn right away and it takes some time to understand. It starts with someone speaking into a microphone, where those electrical impulse are transmitted into a mixing console or a sound board where its gets processed then goes through the amps or a set of speakers (Holloway).

The different types of brands of microphones range, but generally they are all similar; there are floor microphones, hanging microphones, wireless handheld microphones, wireless body microphone systems, and wired handheld microphones just to name a few. One of the things that these all have in common is that they’re all used to amplify something or someone’s voice. In order to do so they all have to go through a mixing console, which “…takes all of the inputs from different microphones, as well as playback devices, and blends them into the mono or stereo output that is heard by the audience,” (Holloway). The cables are another important part and they run everything into the mixing console, some of the cables are called XLR Cables and Quarter inch cables.


QLR Cables

Quarter inch Cable

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